Your money donation to Ground Score keeps Portland clean while providing easy-entry jobs for neighbors facing work and housing insecurity. Many Ground Score workers face numerous barriers to employment and rely on our programs to afford basic necessities. Help us create an inclusive, environmentally sustainable economy by contributing today!
A generous sponsor has offered to match $50,000 in funds raised from new donors in 2025 to support the growth of The People’s Depot. Help us secure the match by making a contribution today. Learn more about The People's Depot
Our community is in need of supplies to help folks survive and work year-round. Some of our greatest needs include rain ponchos, flushable cleansing wipes, emergency blankets, tents, sleeping bags, tarps, cold weather gear, pet coats, and nutritious non-perishable food items. Support Ground Score by contributing through our wishlist today!

Direct supply donations support Ground Score’s programs and help workers in their daily lives. If you have items to donate, please contact Nic Boehm at nic[at]groundscoreassociation[dot]org or Barbra "Barbie" Weber at barbie[at]groundscoreassociation[dot]org to make arrangements.

We generally accept the following items:
Tents and tarps
Sleeping bags
Emergency blankets and hand warmers
Clean, wearable clothing
Rain gear
Backpacks and messenger bags
Coats and jackets
Gloves, beanies, and scarves
Pet coats
New socks and undergarments
Flushable cleansing wipes
Hand sanitizer
New hygiene supplies
Menstrual supplies
Liquid hand soap and dish soap
Non-perishable food items
Vitamin drink mixes and electrolytes
Bag lunches
Ground coffee, sugar, and powdered creamer
Pet food
Dishes, mugs, and utensils
Work gloves
Working computers, tablets, and cell phones
Working chargers and charging cables
Batteries for electronic devices (ie, AA and AAA)
Cell phone cases
Working headlamps
Fabrics and other materials that can be used in our sewing program (ie, broken tents, tablecloths)
Sewing supplies
Bag findings (hooks, zippers, buckles, etc.)
Solid dark-colored 100% cotton T-shirts to make Ground Score shirts
Permanent fabric paint
Cleaning supplies
Disposable gloves
Paper towels
Pet waste bags
Laundry detergent
We do not accept the following items:
Any product that has been recalled
Foods, vitamins, or drinks that are past date, contaminated, spoiled, likely spoiled, or have open containers
Anything that has been soiled or that cannot be easily cleaned in our warehouse before use
Used undergarments
Broken glass or ceramic
Broken electronics or cables
Vehicle parts

Ground Score tables at events. There, you can purchase cards, stickers, T-shirts, and various items handmade by Ground Score workers out of materials diverted from the landfill. To order items, contact Taylor Cass Talbott at Taylor[at]groundscoreassociation[dot]org

While most work at Ground Score is done by paid workers, we occasionally rely on volunteers. Volunteers may prepare and serve meals at our general assemblies or on holidays, help run inclement weather shelters, and provide services for those in need.
Pictured: Diana Rempe from Street Books, who brought hot soup and helped at our warming shelter during the arctic blast in January 2024.
Ground Score Association is fiscally sponsored by Trash for Peace, a 501c3 organization,
EIN: 45-4715889